Consider your most engaging work-hour during a typical week and compare it to your least engaging work-hour the same week. How much better do you perform and how much better do you feel when you are the most engaged?
More than a decade of engagement research shows that engagement is the one factor to net most positive effects, e.g. improved efficiency, innovation, customer loyalty, quality, economical results, health and well-being. Engagement is the common denominator for what attracts talents to organizations, develops and realizes our potential, retains staff and creates lasting results.
Engagement is today often measured through annual, anonymous staff surveys, in terms of engagement as something a person does or does not have. Unfortunately, this kind of procedure overlooks the core of what engagement is and how it is created. Engagement is rather about fit between a person and his or her situation. This means that:
- engagement is something personal and varies between individuals, who have different engagement “drivers” and engagement “killers”. This means there are no general solutions that will appeal equally to all
- engagement is dynamic and changes continually in different situations, even during a typical workweek. Because of this, there is often a loss of potential engagement in the everyday work-life
- we have a lacking insight of our own “drivers” and “killers”, such that more than 60% of us aspire to develop our work-life and careers in a different direction from our motives.

Our method
We have developed the Engagement Compass™, with five dimensions to increase engagement in different and important areas. The dimensions can be seen in the image to the right. With these, it is possible to to work with engagement specifically in a particular dimension or in a general sense, by working with solutions sequentially. Click on the dimensions you find the most interesting to find out more on how engagement may be increased in your organization!